Thursday, March 1, 2012

I'd Rather Be Pickling, But I'm Vitamixing

Last week at Whole Foods I saw the magic of the Vitamix for the first time as it was being used to make vegan cinnamon pecan ice "cream".  As someone who's lactose intolerant, ice cream usually sends me running (in more ways than one) but with the only ingredients being ice, nuts, spice, and agave this frozen confection was heavenly.

Tonight I got my own Vitamix as a gift and promptly sat down to watch the instructional video.  Before long I was blending, dry grinding (the white girl in the video led sections on both dry *and* wet uses) and even cleaning up all in under two minutes flat. 

Who needs teeth?  I have ordered a huge supply of bubble-tea straws from Quickly and plan to drink every meal for the rest of my life.