Thursday, January 5, 2012

I'd Rather Be Pickling, But I'm Doing Research at Make Westing

I am on the eternal quest for hipster venues and activities, not because I am a hipster but because I not-so-secretly like to mock them.  Super-skinny jeans, long shaggy hair, leather handbags that they bought pre-beat-up-looking at Anthropologie ... and that's just the men.  Kids: I was alive and making my own fashion choices in 1980.  This is all very been-there, done-that for me--unlike for you.  It was not cute the first time around, and it's even less cute now.  Sigh.

My holier-than-hipster attitude would normally steer me far, FAR away from places like Make Westing, in Oakland, but I was drawn there by a review I read that described the stunning array of pickled items served in jars that can be found on their menu.  Now, I feel like going there all the time...for research purposes, of course.  You should go too!  Tell them Huong Nguyen sent you--they'll definitely know who I am. 

Another reason I love Make Westing?  I kick ASS at bocce, and they have an indoor court.  Here's an example of how thoroughly I punished someone the last time I was there (note: I am red):

Sweet victory. Just what I need to get me in the mood to do a little pickling.  Yes.

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