Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I'd Rather Be Pickling, But My Apartment Had Ants

At first there were just one or two, in the bathroom.  Then there was a surging river of them from the tub to the hall, under the rug and through the living room to the kitchen.  Unafraid of this plague of Biblical proportions, I armed myself with spray bottle and paper towels.  I showed them who was boss in this house.  My weapon of mass insect destruction?  method all-purpose cleaner with powergreen(TM) technology--cucumber scent.  Ha HA!!  Adios, ants.  I must have gone through half a bottle.  Spritz spritz spritz.

Final Score?  Huong: Hundreds and Hundreds, Ants: Big Fat Zero.  To avoid future infestations I bought two brand-new, totally indulgent and overpriced but hella sexy trashcans. They hermetically seal food odors inside, so ants can't smell anything worth swarming for.  Good, because I'm not so great at successfully taking out the trash in anything resembling a timely fashion.  They worked.  Thank God.  Can't have ants in the kitchen when I'm pickling.

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